Fulton County Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer

best fulton county domestic violence lawyer

Fulton County Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Facing charges of domestic violence in Georgia can be a terrifying place to find oneself. Oftentimes, these charges can arise as the result of a simple misunderstanding, yet you could face penalties that will seriously impede your future. In these difficult and complex legal situations, it can be wise to retain the counsel and representation of a Fulton County domestic violence defense lawyer.

For over 30 years, the team at Miller North & Brill has been assisting clients who face a wide range of criminal charges, including those for domestic violence. If you have been charged with domestic violence in Fulton County, Miller North & Brill is here to aggressively advocate for you.

Defining Domestic Violence in Fulton County

In the state of Georgia, domestic violence is defined as certain acts of violence or threats of violence against certain members of a family or household, including:

  • A current or former spouse
  • A current or former romantic partner
  • A current or former domestic partner
  • A parent, stepparent, or foster parent
  • A child, stepchild, or foster child
  • A grandparent or step-grandparent
  • Someone with whom the defendant shares a child
  • Anyone who lives or has lived in the same household with the defendant

Acts of domestic violence can include any action or threat of action that has a physical, sexual, economic, emotional, or psychological nature. These behaviors are often used to manipulate, threaten, isolate, terrorize, coerce, frighten, blame, hurt, injure, or humiliate the alleged victim. The most common acts of domestic violence include the following:

  • Physical abuse. This form of domestic violence can include slapping, grabbing, pushing, shoving, biting, hitting, or hair-pulling. It can also include denying medical care to a victim or forcing a victim to partake in drug or alcohol usage.
  • Sexual abuse. This form of domestic violence can include coercion or an attempt to coerce sexual contact or behavior without the consent of the victim in a domestic setting. This can include marital rape, physical attacks on the sexual areas of the body, forcing sex after physical violence has happened, or treating a victim in a sexually demeaning manner.
  • Emotional abuse. This form of domestic violence can occur when the alleged offender undermines the victim’s sense of self-esteem or self-worth in an abusive manner. This can include using constant criticism, diminishing the victim’s abilities, name-calling, or damaging the victim’s relationship with their children.
  • Economic abuse. This form of domestic violence can happen when the alleged offender controls or restrains the victim’s ability to use, acquire, or maintain certain economic resources. This can include using behaviors of fraud, coercion, and manipulation to restrict the victim’s access to money or financial information or using their money, assets, or credit in an unfair manner.
  • Psychological abuse. This form of domestic violence can include causing fear by intimidation, threatening bodily harm to the self, to a partner, to children, or to members of the victim’s family or friends, along with the physical destruction of property or pets.

If you have been charged with any type of domestic violence in Fulton County, the team at Miller North & Brill is here to fight for you.

Why You Should Hire Miller North & Brill as Your Criminal Defense Attorneys

When facing charges of domestic violence, you need an attorney who knows how to correctly defend you against domestic violence allegations. For over three decades, the skilled legal team at Miller North & Brill has been coming alongside our clients to fight these charges. We operate under the assumption that you are innocent until proven guilty and can fight to protect your rights as a Georgia resident.

The Domestic Violence Arrest Process

In understanding the domestic violence arrest process, you can better understand your own rights during these legal cases. You can expect the process to look something like this:

  • The initial arrest will occur, and you will be taken to the police station for an official booking.
  • A police officer or detective may try to interview you, but remember, you do not have to answer their questions without an attorney present.
  • Call your attorney to ensure you have full legal counsel and representation throughout the rest of the legal process.

FAQs About Fulton County, GA Domestic Violence Defense Laws

How Do You Get a Domestic Violence Case Dismissed in Georgia?

There are several defense strategies that can be implemented in your domestic violence case in order for these charges to be dropped or to seek a reduction in the charges you are facing. These defenses can include acting in self-defense or in the defense of others, acting with the consent of the alleged victim, demonstrating that the allegations are false, or providing an alibi.

How Much Does a Domestic Violence Lawyer Charge in Georgia?

It can be difficult to offer an exact number as to how much a domestic violence lawyer might charge for their services in the state of Georgia. This is due to the fact that there are several variables at play in these cases, and they can all impact your attorney’s final cost. These variables include the overall duration and complexity of your case and the experience and reputation of your attorney.

What Are the Penalties for Domestic Violence in Georgia?

There are several penalties that are possible in a successful domestic violence conviction in Georgia, depending on the exact nature and severity of the alleged crime. These penalties can include jail or prison time, fines, restraining or personal protective orders, probation, other court-ordered programs, and even the loss of child custody.

Can a Victim Drop Charges in Georgia?

While it is true that a victim can drop domestic violence charges in Georgia if they so choose, getting the case dropped can be difficult, even with the cooperation of the alleged victim. When an alleged victim of domestic violence petitions the state to drop the charges, it will ultimately be up to the prosecution to make the final decision on whether to drop the charges or not.

Speak with a Georgia Criminal Defense Attorney Today

If you have been arrested and charged with domestic violence in Fulton County, Georgia, Miller North & Brill is here for you. Contact our offices today to schedule your initial consultation, and let us fight these charges on your behalf.

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