Homicide vs Murder vs Manslaughter in Georgia: What’s the Difference?

Homicide vs Murder vs

The complexities of criminal law can be difficult to understand for someone who is not a legal professional, especially when it comes to comprehending the difference between homicide, murder, and manslaughter in the state of Georgia. The legal implications attached to these crimes can be severe without a strong defense team in your corner. The assistance of a skilled Georgia homicide attorney can be invaluable in your defense.

What Is Homicide?

Homicide is the general term that is used to describe the killing of a person by another person. There is no specific crime under the name of homicide. It could be lawful or unlawful, with or without malice and intent. Murder and manslaughter of all kinds fall under the umbrella of homicide. The penalties for each depend on the type of homicide committed, as well as the specific circumstances of the crime.

Murder in Georgia

Murder, also called malice murder, is the most severe form of homicide. Georgia is one of the few states that only recognizes one degree of murder. There is no difference between premeditated murder, planning and intentionally following through with the killing, and what might be referred to as a spur-of-the-moment killing. The penalties are the same regardless. The only thing that matters is that, in both cases, there is intent to cause another person’s death.

A person commits an act of murder if they unlawfully cause the death of another person with express or implied malice aforethought. Express malice is classified as the intent to take someone else’s life deliberately and unlawfully, shown by external circumstances that can be proven.

Malice is implied when there is no substantial incitement, and all circumstances surrounding the crime indicate hostile intentions. This type of homicide can result in life in prison, life without parole, or the death penalty.

Felony and Second-Degree Murder

Felony murder is the second distinction of murder in the state of Georgia. In order for a homicide to be classified as a felony murder, an offender has to be committing a felony when they cause the death of another person. For example, if someone is attempting to burglarize another person’s home and kills that person by accident, they will have committed a felony murder. Regardless of malice or intent, the penalties are the same as malice murder.

Despite the state of Georgia only recognizing one degree of murder in most cases, the second-degree murder statute was created in 2014 to specifically address the deaths of children caused by the negligence of another person. The exact definition of second-degree murder is causing the death of another person while committing child cruelty in the second degree. The penalty is between 10 and 30 years in prison.

Manslaughter in Georgia

In Georgia, voluntary and involuntary manslaughter are both serious crimes and can be punishable by several years of prison time. However, with the help of a skilled attorney, you may be able to have your charges reduced.

Involuntary manslaughter happens when someone causes the death of another person while committing an unlawful act or while committing a lawful act in an unlawful way that could cause severe physical harm or death. Illegal or reckless behavior without malice and without the intent to kill are important factors in determining if a killing can be classified as involuntary manslaughter. A person convicted of this crime faces between one year and 10 years in prison.

The voluntary manslaughter offense occurs when someone kills another person intentionally. The person would have to be acting only on a sudden violent passion due to some kind of incitement that is enough to drive any reasonable person to that point of violent rage. An example of this could be catching your spouse having an affair, and, in the heat of passion, you kill your spouse or their lover. This kind of homicide still carries a heavy penalty of up to 20 years.

FAQs About Homicide vs Murder vs Manslaughter

What Is the Main Difference Between Homicide, Murder, and Manslaughter?

Both murder and manslaughter are considered homicides by law. The main difference between manslaughter and murder is the intent to kill, which is one of the most essential factors in a homicide case. With manslaughter, whether voluntary or involuntary, there is no intent to kill the other person. Murder typically involves the intent to kill and carries a larger prison sentence than manslaughter.

What Are the Distinctions of Murder in Georgia?

In Georgia, there are technically three murder distinctions: felony murder, malice murder, and second-degree murder. While felony murder does not require the intent to kill the way malice murder does, it still carries the same penalty. Second-degree murder, involving the murder of children, carries a lighter prison sentence than felony and malice murder.

Does Manslaughter Mean You Killed Someone?

Yes, manslaughter means you killed someone unlawfully, but you did not have the intention to take someone else’s life. There is no premeditation or intent to kill. The level of blame with manslaughter is less serious than that of murder. Oftentimes, there is some negligence or recklessness involved when manslaughter is committed.

Is Murder a Felony in Georgia?

Yes, in the state of Georgia, murder is considered a felony. It is the most serious homicide crime, and those faced with a murder conviction can face possible penalties that include a life sentence in prison without parole and, on some occasions, the death penalty. Penalties vary based on the circumstances of the crime.

Miller North & Brill: Your Criminal Defense Team

Homicide charges are not to be taken lightly, especially in a state that still allows the death penalty. Any kind of homicide is a serious crime that can possibly result in you facing decades in prison or even death. If you’d like to build a strong criminal defense and increase your chances of seeing a favorable outcome from your case, you will need a dedicated and qualified defense team to help you. Contact Miller North & Brill today to learn what we can do to serve you in this difficult time.

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